Mageirocophobia. Fear of Cooking. Facts, Causes, Symptoms and Cure.

Mageirocophobia is fear of cooking.

Facts about Mageirocophobia
Mageirocophobia is an extreme fear related to cooking. The sufferer can feel immense fear in any of the element involved in cooking, cutting and chopping ingredients, cleaning the cooking floor or may be the whole process of cooking. Phobia is a condition of extreme fear to certain condition, object, situation or state. The victim feels an immense urge to avoid that particular state.

Causes of Mageirocophobia
Generally, a phobia is associated with an intense unpleasant past event which may or may not be remembered by the conscious mind but which actually created a very strong imprint on the unconscious mind.  Hence, whenever something similar or close to that situation occurs, the unconscious mind brings the memory of that severe unpleasant event back causing the subject to be in a phobiatic condition.

Symptoms of Mageirocophobia
Just like any other phobia, symptoms of Mageirocophobia may include excessive sweating, panic attack, anxiety, feeling hot or cold, nausea, dry mouth, heart palpitation etc.

Treating Mageirocophobia
Generally, for treating phobias, the alternative medications and therapies have been found more beneficial compared to traditional drugs which may have side effects. These may include Hypnosis and NLP i.e. Neuro-Linguistic Programming.        

Kindly note that above has been produced just for information. Nothing offered here is intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease or disorder of any kind. Please consult a qualified professional for more information

Kenophobia. Fear of Empty Spaces. Facts, Causes, Symptoms and Cure.

Kenophobia is extreme fear of open empty spaces.

Facts about Kenophobia
Kenophobia is extreme fear of empty and open spaces. The sufferer of this phobia would like to avoid being in empty spaces. Phobia is a condition of extreme fear to certain condition, object, situation or state. The victim feels an immense urge to avoid that particular state.

Causes of Kenophobia
Generally, a phobia is associated with an intense unpleasant past event which may or may not be remembered by the conscious mind but which actually created a very strong imprint on the unconscious mind.  Hence, whenever something similar or close to that situation occurs, the unconscious mind brings the memory of that severe unpleasant event back causing the subject to be in a phobiatic condition.

Symptoms of Kenophobia
Just like any other phobia, symptoms of Kenophobia may include excessive sweating, panic attack, anxiety, feeling hot or cold, nausea, dry mouth, heart palpitation etc.

Treating Kenophobia
Generally, for treating phobias, the alternative medications and therapies have been found more beneficial compared to traditional drugs which may have side effects. These may include Hypnosis and NLP i.e. Neuro-Linguistic Programming.        

Kindly note that above has been produced just for information. Nothing offered here is intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease or disorder of any kind. Please consult a qualified professional for more information

Iatrophobia. Fear of Doctor. Facts, Causes, Symptoms and Cure

Iatrophobia is extreme fear of visiting a doctor.

Facts about Iatrophobia
Iatrophobia sufferer would pose great resistance in seeing a doctor. Phobia is a condition of extreme fear to certain condition, object, situation or state. The victim feels an immense urge to avoid that particular state.

Causes of Iatrophobia
Generally, a phobia is associated with an intense unpleasant past event which may or may not be remembered by the conscious mind but which actually created a very strong imprint on the unconscious mind.  Hence, whenever something similar or close to that situation occurs, the unconscious mind brings the memory of that severe unpleasant event back causing the subject to be in a phobiatic condition.

Symptoms of Iatrophobia

Symptoms may include but not limited to:

  • Excessive sweating
  • Panic Attack
  • Dry Mouth
  • Nausea
  • Vertigo
  • Anxiety
  • Feeling Hot or Cold
  • Increase in Heart Beat
  • Increase in pulse rate
  • Feeling Hot or Cold

Treating Iatrophobia
Generally, for treating phobias, the alternative medications and therapies have been found more beneficial compared to traditional drugs which may have side effects. These may include Hypnosis and NLP i.e. Neuro-Linguistic Programming.        

Kindly note that above has been produced just for information. Nothing offered here is intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease or disorder of any kind. Please consult a qualified professional for more information

Haphephobia. Fear of being touched. Facts, Causes, Symptoms, treatment

Haphephobia refers to fear of being touched.

Facts about Haphephobia
This phobia of being touched is also known as

  • Aphephobia
  • Haphophobia
  • Hapnophobia
  • Haptephobia
  • haptophobia

It is a specific fear of touching or being touched. The Sufferer may intensely dislike touching something or being touched by someone. In women, this can specifically be related with sexual assault. Phobia is a condition of extreme fear to certain condition, object, situation or state. The victim feels an immense urge to avoid that particular state.

Causes of Haphephobia
Generally, a phobia is associated with an intense unpleasant past event which may or may not be remembered by the conscious mind but which actually created a very strong imprint on the unconscious mind.  Hence, whenever something similar or close to that situation occurs, the unconscious mind brings the memory of that severe unpleasant event back causing the subject to be in a phobiatic condition

Symptoms of Haphephobia
Just like any other phobia, symptoms of Haphephobia may include excessive sweating, panic attack, anxiety, feeling hot or cold, nausea, dry mouth, heart palpitation etc.

Treating Haphephobia
Generally, for treating phobias, the alternative medications and therapies have been found more beneficial compared to traditional drugs which may have side effects. These may include Hypnosis and NLP i.e. Neuro-Linguistic Programming.        

Kindly note that above has been produced just for information. Nothing offered here is intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease or disorder of any kind. Please consult a qualified professional for more information

Lachanophobia. Fear of Vegetables. Facts, Causes, Symptoms and Cure

Lachanophobia is an extreme fear from vegetables.

Facts about Lachanophobia
Lachanophobia is an extreme fear of vegetables. The sufferer of this phobia intensely avoids vegetables. Phobia is a condition of extreme fear to certain condition, object, situation or state. The victim feels an immense urge to avoid that particular state.

Causes of Lachanophobia
Generally, a phobia is associated with an intense unpleasant past event which may or may not be remembered by the conscious mind but which actually created a very strong imprint on the unconscious mind.  Hence, whenever something similar or close to that situation occurs, the unconscious mind brings the memory of that severe unpleasant event back causing the subject to be in a phobiatic condition.

Symptoms of Lachanophobia

Symptoms may include but not limited to:

  • Excessive sweating
  • Panic Attack
  • Dry Mouth
  • Nausea
  • Vertigo
  • Anxiety
  • Feeling Hot or Cold
  • Increase in Heart Beat
  • Increase in pulse rate
  • Feeling Hot or Cold

Treating Lachanophobia
Generally, for treating phobias, the alternative medications and therapies have been found more beneficial compared to traditional drugs which may have side effects. These may include Hypnosis and NLP i.e. Neuro-Linguistic Programming.        

Kindly note that above has been produced just for information. Nothing offered here is intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease or disorder of any kind. Please consult a qualified professional for more information

Galeophobia. Fear of Sharks. Facts, Causes, Symptoms and Cure

Galeophobia is extreme fear of shark fish.

Facts about Galeophobia
People suffering from Galeophobia have extreme fear of sharks. They would like to avoid boat surfing if there are chances of shark sighting. Some may avoid even aquariums. Phobia is a condition of extreme fear to certain condition, object, situation or state. The victim feels an immense urge to avoid that particular state.

Causes of Galeophobia
Generally, a phobia is associated with an intense unpleasant past event which may or may not be remembered by the conscious mind but which actually created a very strong imprint on the unconscious mind.  Hence, whenever something similar or close to that situation occurs, the unconscious mind brings the memory of that severe unpleasant event back causing the subject to be in a phobiatic condition

Symptoms of Galeophobia
Symptoms may include but not limited to:

  • Excessive sweating
  • Panic Attack
  • Dry Mouth
  • Nausea
  • Vertigo
  • Anxiety
  • Feeling Hot or Cold
  • Increase in Heart Beat
  • Increase in pulse rate
  • Feeling Hot or Cold

Treating Galeophobia
Generally, for treating phobias, the alternative medications and therapies have been found more beneficial compared to traditional drugs which may have side effects. These may include Hypnosis and NLP i.e. Neuro-Linguistic Programming.        

Kindly note that above has been produced just for information. Nothing offered here is intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease or disorder of any kind. Please consult a qualified professional for more information

Frigophobia. Fear of Cold. Facts, Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Frigophobia is Fear of getting too cold or fear of cold things.

Facts about Frigophobia
People suffering from this phobia may like to wrap heavy cloths and jackets around their body. Phobia is a condition of extreme fear to certain condition, object, situation or state. The victim feels an immense urge to avoid that particular state.

Causes of Frigophobia
Generally, a phobia is associated with an intense unpleasant past event which may or may not be remembered by the conscious mind but which actually created a very strong imprint on the unconscious mind.  Hence, whenever something similar or close to that situation occurs, the unconscious mind brings the memory of that severe unpleasant event back causing the subject to be in a phobiatic condition

Symptoms of Frigophobia
Just like any other phobia, symptoms of Frigophobia may include excessive sweating, panic attack, anxiety, feeling hot or cold, nausea, dry mouth, heart palpitation etc.

Treating Frigophobia
Generally, for treating phobias, the alternative medications and therapies have been found more beneficial compared to traditional drugs which may have side effects. These may include Hypnosis and NLP i.e. Neuro-Linguistic Programming.        

Kindly note that above has been produced just for information. Nothing offered here is intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease or disorder of any kind. Please consult a qualified professional for more information

Eisoptrophobia. Fear of Mirrors. Facts, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Eisoptrophobia is the fear of mirror or fear of seeing one’s self in mirror.

Facts about Eisoptrophobia
"Eisoptrophobia" is derived from the Greek "eis" (into) and "optikos" (vision, image, sight). It is an abnormal and persistent fear of mirrors. Phobia is a condition of extreme fear to certain condition, object, situation or state. The victim feels an immense urge to avoid that particular state.

Causes of Eisoptrophobia
Generally, a phobia is associated with an intense unpleasant past event which may or may not be remembered by the conscious mind but which actually created a very strong imprint on the unconscious mind.  Hence, whenever something similar or close to that situation occurs, the unconscious mind brings the memory of that severe unpleasant event back causing the subject to be in a phobiatic condition

Symptoms of Eisoptrophobia
Symptoms may include but not limited to:

  • Excessive sweating
  • Panic Attack
  • Dry Mouth
  • Nausea
  • Vertigo
  • Anxiety
  • Feeling Hot or Cold
  • Increase in Heart Beat
  • Increase in pulse rate
  • Feeling Hot or Cold

Treating Eisoptrophobia
Generally, for treating phobias, the alternative medications and therapies have been found more beneficial compared to traditional drugs which may have side effects. These may include Hypnosis and NLP i.e. Neuro-Linguistic Programming.        

Kindly note that above has been produced just for information. Nothing offered here is intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease or disorder of any kind. Please consult a qualified professional for more information

Cacophobia. Fear of ugliness. Facts, Symptoms, Causes and Cure

Cacophobia is fear of ugliness or fear of things that seem ugly.

Facts about Cacophobia
The word Cacophobia consist of Caco (Greek word for unpleasant or ugly) and Phobia (Greek word for phobia). It is fear of nasty and ugly looking things. Phobia is a condition of extreme fear to certain condition, object, situation or state. The victim feels an immense urge to avoid that particular state.

Causes of Cacophobia
Generally, a phobia is associated with an intense unpleasant past event which may or may not be remembered by the conscious mind but which actually created a very strong imprint on the unconscious mind.  Hence, whenever something similar or close to that situation occurs, the unconscious mind brings the memory of that severe unpleasant event back causing the subject to be in a phobic condition

Symptoms of Cacophobia
Symptoms may include but not limited to:

  • Excessive sweating
  • Panic Attack
  • Dry Mouth
  • Nausea
  • Vertigo
  • Anxiety
  • Feeling Hot or Cold
  • Increase in Heart Beat
  • Increase in pulse rate
  • Feeling Hot or Cold

Treating Cacophobia
Generally, for treating phobias, the alternative medications and therapies have been found more beneficial compared to traditional drugs which may have side effects. These may include Hypnosis and NLP i.e. Neuro-Linguistic Programming.        

Kindly note that above has been produced just for information. Nothing offered here is intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease or disorder of any kind. Please consult a qualified professional for more information.

Decidophobia. Fear of Making Decision. Facts, Causes, Symptoms and Cure

Decidophobia is the fear in Making Decision.

Facts about Decidophobia
As the name suggests, it is a fear in which one tends to avoid making decision. The subject has an immense fear of deciding among choices in a particular situation. People with this phobia lack the courage to decide and would rather let others take decision. Phobia is a condition of extreme fear to certain condition, object, situation or state. The victim feels an immense urge to avoid that particular state.

Causes of Decidophobia
Generally, a phobia is associated with an intense unpleasant past event which may or may not be remembered by the conscious mind but which actually created a very strong imprint on the unconscious mind.  Hence, whenever something similar or close to that situation occurs, the unconscious mind brings the memory of that severe unpleasant event back causing the subject to be in a phobiatic condition

Symptoms of Decidophobia
Just like any other phobia, symptoms of Decidophobia may include excessive sweating, panic attack, anxiety, feeling hot or cold, nausea, dry mouth, heart palpitation etc.

Treating Decidophobia
Generally, for treating phobias, the alternative medications and therapies have been found more beneficial compared to traditional drugs which may have side effects. These may include Hypnosis and NLP i.e. Neuro-Linguistic Programming.        

Kindly note that above has been produced just for information. Nothing offered here is intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease or disorder of any kind. Please consult a qualified professional for more information

Bacillophobia. Fear of Germs. Facts, Symptoms, Causes and Cure

Bacillophobia is fear of microbes and germs, etc.
Facts about Bacillophobia
Bacillophobia is fear of Germs, viruses, bacteria etc. It is also called bacteriophobia. Phobia is a condition of extreme fear to certain condition, object, situation or state. The victim feels an immense urge to avoid that particular state.

Symptoms of Bacillophobia
Just like any other phobia, symptoms of Bacillophobia may include excessive sweating, panic attack, anxiety, feeling hot or cold, nausea, dry mouth, heart palpitation etc.

Causes of Bacillophobia
Generally, a phobia is associated with an intense unpleasant past event which may or may not be remembered by the conscious mind but which actually created a very strong imprint on the unconscious mind.  Hence, whenever something similar or close to that situation occurs, the unconscious mind brings the memory of that severe unpleasant event back causing the subject to be in a phobiatic condition

Treating Bacillophobia
Generally, for treating phobias, the alternative medications and therapies have been found more beneficial compared to traditional drugs which may have side effects. These may include Hypnosis and NLP i.e. Neuro-Linguistic Programming.        

Kindly note that above has been produced just for information. Nothing offered here is intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease or disorder of any kind. Please consult a qualified professional for more information

Achluophobia. Fear of Darkness. Facts, Symptoms, Causes and Cure

Achluophobia is the fear of darkness or dark places.

Facts about Achluophobia
Fear of darkness is common among children of small ages, however, if any adult feels severe fear of darkness, he or she might be suffering from Achluophobia. Phobia is a condition of extreme fear to certain condition, object, situation or state. The victim feels an immense urge to avoid that particular state.

Causes of Achluophobia

Generally, a phobia is associated with an intense unpleasant past event which may or may not be remembered by the conscious mind but which actually created a very strong imprint on the unconscious mind.  Hence, whenever something similar or close to that situation occurs, the unconscious mind brings the memory of that severe unpleasant event back causing the subject to be in a phobiatic condition. For example, person with ABlutophobia (fear of Bathing) ,may have experienced in past an unpleasant incedent involving bathing. Phobias sometimes may have genetic reasons as well.

Symptoms of Achluophobia
Symptoms may include but not limited to:

  • Excessive sweating
  • Panic Attack
  • Dry Mouth
  • Nausea
  • Vertigo
  • Anxiety
  • Feeling Hot or Cold
  • Increase in Heart Beat
  • Increase in pulse rate
  • Feeling Hot or Cold

Treating Achluphobia

Generally, for treating phobias, the alternative medications and therapies have been found more beneficial compared to traditional drugs which may have side effects. These may include Hypnosis and NLP i.e. Neuro-Linguistic Programming.        

Kindly note that above has been produced just for information. Nothing offered here is intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease or disorder of any kind. Please consult a qualified professional for more information.

Acerophobia. Fear of sourness. Facts, Symptoms, causes and Cure

Acerophobia is fear of sourness or fear of things that are sour.

Facts about Acerophobia
Phobia is a condition of extreme fear to certain condition, object, situation or state. The victim feels an immense urge to avoid that particular state. The word acero has a Latin root which means sour or sharp. Whereas, phobia is a German word for fear.
People suffering from acerophobia tend to avoid sourly foods such as pickle, lemon etc.

Causes of Phobia
Generally, a phobia is associated with an intense unpleasant past event which may or may not be remembered by the conscious mind but which actually created a very strong imprint on the unconscious mind.  Hence, whenever something similar or close to that situation occurs, the unconscious mind brings the memory of that severe unpleasant event back causing the subject to be in a phobiatic condition. For example, person with Acarophobia (fear of itching or an itching insect), may have experienced in past an incidence involving falling down from a height. Phobias sometimes may have genetic reasons as well.

Symptoms of Acerophobia
Just like any other phobia, symptoms of Acerophobia may include excessive sweating, panic attack, anxiety, feeling hot or cold, nausea, dry mouth, heart palpitation etc.

Treating Acerophobia
Generally, for treating phobias, the alternative medications and therapies have been found more beneficial compared to traditional drugs which may have side effects. These may include Hypnosis and NLP i.e. Neuro-Linguistic Programming.        

Kindly note that above has been produced just for information. Nothing offered here is intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease or disorder of any kind. Please consult a qualified professional for more information.

Difference between Phobia and normal Fear

Having fear is a common and natural phenomenon as fear is a response adapted by the Human body normally and it is helpful to be afraid in dangerous situations. However, if this fear takes the form of an anxiety disorder associated with an object (living or otherwise), situation, condition or state, then this becomes a phobia.

A Phobia is an extreme condition caused by an intense irrational fear of an object (living or otherwise), situation, condition or state in which the subject feels an extreme urge to be able to avoid that object, condition or state. Generally, in reality that intense fear may pose no or little danger.

  • Fear is often manageable normally, but phobia may not be manageable under normal circumstances.
  • In case of fear, the actual danger posed may vary, but in case of phobia, the actual danger may be insignificant or even none.
  • Fear is a bearable state hence there may not be any symptoms of Fear. But Phobia is an extreme state generally characterized by lots of symptoms such as palpitation, sweetening, dry month, Panic Attack etc.
  • Fear can be beneficial as it keeps away from dangerous situations. For example, if one is afraid to climb a very high mountain, it is a normal condition. But if someone is afraid from climbing two floors of an apartment’s building, it is an irrational fear and hence it is phobia.
Kindly note that above has been produced just for information. Nothing offered here is intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease or disorder of any kind. Please consult a qualified professional for more information.