Kenophobia. Fear of Empty Spaces. Facts, Causes, Symptoms and Cure.

Kenophobia is extreme fear of open empty spaces.

Facts about Kenophobia
Kenophobia is extreme fear of empty and open spaces. The sufferer of this phobia would like to avoid being in empty spaces. Phobia is a condition of extreme fear to certain condition, object, situation or state. The victim feels an immense urge to avoid that particular state.

Causes of Kenophobia
Generally, a phobia is associated with an intense unpleasant past event which may or may not be remembered by the conscious mind but which actually created a very strong imprint on the unconscious mind.  Hence, whenever something similar or close to that situation occurs, the unconscious mind brings the memory of that severe unpleasant event back causing the subject to be in a phobiatic condition.

Symptoms of Kenophobia
Just like any other phobia, symptoms of Kenophobia may include excessive sweating, panic attack, anxiety, feeling hot or cold, nausea, dry mouth, heart palpitation etc.

Treating Kenophobia
Generally, for treating phobias, the alternative medications and therapies have been found more beneficial compared to traditional drugs which may have side effects. These may include Hypnosis and NLP i.e. Neuro-Linguistic Programming.        

Kindly note that above has been produced just for information. Nothing offered here is intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease or disorder of any kind. Please consult a qualified professional for more information

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